Dental cavities are caused by bacterial infections known in the dental profession as “carries”. Infections occur when normal, healthy bacteria in the mouth are replaced by acid-producing bacteria. This shift in bacteria is usually caused by lack of saliva, a sugary/acidic diet, or transmission through saliva.
Caries are not only treatable but also preventable. The CariFree® Prevention system treats the infection causing bacteria before tooth decay occurs. In order to determine if caries are present in the mouth, a one-minute CariScreen test is performed using a simple cotton swab to gather a specimen from two teeth. The CariScreen® test then determines the level of decay-causing bacteria: low, moderate, or high risk.
The CariFree® treatment consists of a series of CariFree® antibacterial mouth rinses to reduce the bacterial levels on the teeth. There are two types of rinses: the CariFree® Treatment Rinse and the CariFree® Maintenance Rinse. The CariFree® Treatment Rise kills the harmful bacteria on the teeth. The CariFree® Maintenance Rinse is designed to develop an environment in the mouth, which prevents the destructive bacteria from re-establishing itself. Removing the harmful bacteria and maintaining a bacteria free mouth greatly reduces the risk of future dental decay.